Hello World

Posted on Thu 12 September 2024 in general

Naturally, Cohost announces they're shutting down right after I start posting photos there. And now I need somewhere else to do that. And that somewhere is now here.

Stock Pelican with a highly modified Flex theme. Which still needs more modifications done. I need to style the links on the side/top (depending on breakpoint) better.

Photo galleries are done with the photos plugin, though I'm not completely happy with it, it's good enough for now. Clicking on photos in a gallery opens a little lightbox using the HTML <dialog> tag, which I didn't even know about before starting this project. And those are driven by 10 lines of Javascript, the only bit of it on here at the moment. There will probably be a bit more later, I want support for maps on gallery posts that have location information, and maybe a map view that shows all galleries with locations on that map.

No off-site requests to load the page, no analytics, and the largest thing being loaded is the font (Atkinson Hyperlegible) weighing in at 53kb.

I'm not entirely happy with hosting this on Cloudflare, but I wanted somewhere quick I could throw a static site and not have to worry about a size limit coughAzurecough, and you can't serve a TLD with Azure Storage without jumping through a whole bunch of hoops and setting up something called Frontdoor. And I really don't want to host something off of my home server, even though I do have the bandwidth with GFiber.

I've got my main photography posts from Cohost on here now, outside of one or two I want to just redo from the raws.

I need to do something about that profile picture, too.

EDIT: Looks like cloudflare puts some sort of beacon js on the site, and does something with email addresses. There goes my no external resources, I'll scrounge around for different hosting later.